Port of the future

Port of Antwerp-Bruges is een proeftuin voor innovatie. We zijn klaar voor een groenere, slimmere en meer digitale wereld. Als twee havens samen innoveren, schrijven ze geschiedenis.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges has always been a testing ground and a place of innovation. Together with the port community and our partners, we turn today's challenges such as energy transition, digitalisation and mobility into solutions. This is how we prepare the port for the future and make it more efficient, safer and smarter.

De haven van de toekomst verzoent economie, klimaat en mens met elkaar. Digitalisering en intelligente innovaties dragen bij aan een mobiele en slimme haven.

Smart port

A smart port is brings together economy, climate and people. Smart technologies and digitisation play a key role in this. Together with public and private players we open up our port for these new technologies.

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Port of Antwerp-Bruges zoekt naar manieren om meer goederen duurzaam te vervoeren. Daarvoor werken we mee aan oplossingen zoals autonome binnenschepen. Digitalisering en toepassingen, zoals slim asfalt en een binnenvaartapplicatie, monitoren en verbeteren het verkeer en dragen bij tot een mobiele haven.

Mobile port

Port of Antwerp-Bruges is looking for ways to transport more goods in a sustainable way. To achieve this, we are jointly working on solutions such as autonomous inland navigation craft. Digital applications, such as smart asphalt and an inland navigation application, monitor and improve the traffic situation in and around the port.

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Methatug: the first methanol-powered tugboat

Port of Antwerp-Bruges has built a tugboat with methanol propulsion – a world first. The Methatug will be sailing in the Antwerp docks from May 2024.

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Hydrotug: the first hydrogen-powered tug in the world

The hydrogen-powered tug is a world first.The internal combustion engines that drive this ‘Hydrotug’ run on hydrogen in combination with diesel and comply with the most stringent standard, the EU Stage V, making them the most emission-efficient engines on the market.

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Sensors to measure air quality

In the Antwerp port area, there are no fewer than 70 virtual noses, called iNoses. These innovative iNoses identify harmful or nuisance-causing gasses at the port. On the one hand, they provide real-time information that allows us to act when unauthorised degassing or an incident occurs. On the other hand, we want to be able to warn local residents as soon as nuisance odours are carried in their direction by the wind. In the coming years, sensors will also be installed in the Zeebrugge port area to measure all kinds of emission parameters.

Luchtkwaliteit en geur spelen een belangrijke rol in de omgevingskwaliteit voor de omwonenden en de omliggende steden. Geursensoren dragen bij aan het meten van de luchtkwaliteit in een slimme haven.

NextGen District

NextGen District invites innovators to bring their vision to life. To design, develop and execute projects that initiate real change. From linear to circular. From factories to networks. From using to reusing. 

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NextGen Demo is investing sustainably in the port of Antwerp. How do you make alternative resources for circular industry out of CO2, plastic waste and bio mass.

Hydrotug: the first hydrogen-powered tug in the world

A port of the future is a climate neutral port. That’s why we are investing in hydrogen for the greening of our own fleet. One example of this is a hydrogen-powered tugboat. The internal combustion engines that drive this ‘Hydrotug’ run on hydrogen in combination with diesel and comply with the most stringent emission efficiency standard, the EU Stage V. The Hydrotug is the world's first tugboat powered using this innovative technology.

The Hydrotug makes its way from Spain to Oostende.