
Testing greener, circular concrete

The construction of a second tidal dock next to the Deurganck dock will require a lot of concrete. To produce this concrete, it is estimated that more than 200 000 tonnes of natural sand from the North Sea or our neighbouring countries will have to be transported to the construction site. Building the dock will also release a lot of sand, but this is not the type of sand traditionally used in concrete. Research is being done to find out if this sand could be used.

The Flemish research institute VITO and the construction industry's innovation centre Buildwise have used the local sand to make different types of concrete and have tested these in the laboratory. Early December, a number of test pieces of concrete were placed in the tidal zone of the Deurganckdok, with the cooperation of Maritime Access Division of the Flemish Government and termnal operator MPET. 


These elements will be immersed by Scheldt water twice a day and will be inspected every six months to see how they withstand the water. Among other things, it will be checked whether they crack, discolour or crumble over time. This way, it should become clear whether it is feasible to use local sand in the quay walls of the new tidal dock, thus reducing the need for transport of sand to the construction site. 


This research takes place within the PIONEERS project with EU funding.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037564.

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