
Public comment on EIA plan for use of residual land on Left Bank of Scheldt

Scattered along the Left Bank of the Scheldt at the port of Antwerp are still several parcels of vacant land ('residual land'), which have already been opened up and largely allocated to companies at the port. In line with the Spatial Structure Plan for Flanders, Maatschappij Linkerscheldeoever (MLSO) and Port of Antwerp-Bruges are seeking to make this residual land available for use so that the companies present can develop further.

Because the Waasland port overlaps with a Birds Directive area, a programme must be completed. MLSO and Port of Antwerp-Bruges have therefore gathered the necessary information at the strategic level through an Environmental Impact Assessment plan (EIA plan) to reach an informed decision. Through this EIA plan, the organisations are also seeking to inform all stakeholders. The notification document for this strategic-level EIA plan had already gone into public review in September 2022, and the EIA plan was prepared based on this additional information.

Nature compensation for land in Waaslandhaven

The EIA plan examines the possible alternatives. Based on that information, MLSO and Port of Antwerp-Bruges have made a draft decision. This, along with the EIA plan, will again be part of a second round of public comment starting on 19 April 2023. Afterwards, MLSO and Port of Antwerp-Bruges can make a final decision. Only then – and taking into account this EIA plan – can the companies concerned apply for an environmental permit for the implementation of their projects, describing the environmental impact for each project as provided for in the legislation.


Watch the video (in Dutch) below for more info!

Kaart met de restgronden op de linker-Scheldeoever.

Access to decision

The final decision of MLSO and Port of Antwerp-Bruges, along with the final EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and the consideration document regarding the public inquiry, can be consulted through the following channels:

  • on the websites of Port of Antwerp-Bruges and MLSO
  • on the website of the Flemish authorities
  • at the town halls of Beveren, Sint-Gillis-Waas, and Zwijndrecht and on their respective websites.


Strategic EIA for the acquisition of residual land by LSO (Dutch version)


Final decision (Dutch version)


Consideration document for advice (Dutch version)


Approval report (Dutch version)


Statement of impact assessment (Dutch version)


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