Where can I find a map of the port of Antwerp or Bruges?

There are various maps of Port of Antwerp-Bruges available. On the interactive map of the Antwerp port area you can easily look up quay numbers or concessions. Do you prefer to have a general overview? Then download the port map of both Antwerp and Bruges for free. 


Download maps of the port

You can download high quality digital versions of port maps of Antwerp and Bruges in five different variations below.

Havenkaarten Antwerpen en Zeebrugge

Port map Antwerp April 2022©Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Map of Antwerp

Port map Antwerp April 2022
Port map Bruges/Zeebrugge April 2022©Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Map of Zeebrugge

Port map Bruges/Zeebrugge April 2022
Folding map with a focus on the port area of Antwerp (recto) and international hinterland connections (verso).©Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Folding map of Antwerp

Folding map with a focus on the port area of Antwerp (recto) and international hinterland connections (verso).
Folding map with a focus on the port area of Zeebrugge (recto) and international hinterland connections (verso).©Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Folding map Zeebrugge

Folding map with a focus on the port area of Zeebrugge (recto) and international hinterland connections (verso).
Folding map with a focus on the port area of Antwerp (recto) and Zeebrugge (verso).©Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Folding map Antwerp-Bruges

Folding map with a focus on the port area of Antwerp (recto) and Zeebrugge (verso).

Interactieve kaart Antwerpen

On this interactive map of the Antwerp port area you can easily look up quay numbers and concessions. This way you have the entire port area at hand, always and anywhere.

View interactive map

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